At a glance Information as per UDISE 2022-23
Descriptions Primary Level Upper Primary with Sec and Hr. Sec Level
Number of Schools 3788 1055
Gross Enrolment 543853 892460
Boys Enrolment 276062 423492
Girls Enrolment 267791 468968
Total Pre Primary Enrolment 75698 -
Pre Primary Boys Enrolment 37935 -
Pre Primary Girls Enrolment 37763 -
General Enrolment 329140 520336
SC Enrolment 137110 267132
ST Enrolment 7176 12104
OBC Enrolment 70427 92888
Minority Enrolment 294892 377071
Total Teachers (including contact teacher) 16804 16018
Regular Teachers 15042 14032
Contact teacher 1762 1986
<<=1 teachers’ School 33 106
2 teachers' school 630 76
>>= 3 teachers' school 3125 873
No. of Class rooms 17514 19121
<<=1 class room school 23 14
2 class rooms school 299 27
>>=3 class rooms school 3466 1014
School with Electricity Facility 3751 1035
School without Electricity Facility 37 20
Schools with Drinking Water facility 3788 1055
Schools with No Drinking Water facility 0 0
Schools with Toilet facility 3788 1055
Schools with No Toilet facility 0 0
Schools with Girls Toilet facility 3781 1027
Schools with No Girls Toilet facility 7 28
Schools with Boys Toilet facility 3780 919
Schools without Boys Toilet facility 8 136
No. of SSK 1172 80
Enrolment 76593 11593
No of school (local body) 35 -
Enrolment (local body) 1332 -
No of school (Minority Affairs) 58
Enrolment (DOMA) 12781
No of school (Mass Education) - 5
Enrolment (Mass Education) - 333
No of Madrasha Recognized under Madrasha Board 52
Enrolment (Madrasha Recognized under Madrasha Board) 57216
No of Central School 2
Enrolment (Central School) 856
No. of Private School 1019
Enrolment (Private School) 98452
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The Details of the Public Information Officer (PIO) :



Phone No

E-mail  & Website

District Project Officer (PIO)

Sarva Siksha Mission, 12, Biplabi Kanai Bhattacharjee Sarani,  New Administrative Building (8th floor),

Alipore, Kolkata- 700027


033-2439-8436 / 2448-5007 / 2449-9936

Telefax: 033-24398328,


Such other information as may be prescribed and thereafter updated every year.

A. Related to seeking information:

§  Any citizen can request for information.

·         The request for information can be made in writing or through electronic means.

·         The requester can address his request to the PIO.

·          For providing information the fee shall be charged as per norms.

Section wise to provide following services:

Service Provided

Room no.

Name of Section

Responsible person

1) Additional Classroom (ACR)

2) Toilet (Boys/Girls/Both)

3) Boundary Wall

4) Repairing

5) H.M. Rooms

6) Drinking Water

7) Construction



Prabir Mondal

(Assistant Engineer)

1) Child Register

2) In-School and Out of School Children (6-14 age group)

3) Special Training


5) School Development Plan


Community Mobilization  & Alternative Schooling

Maitrayee Mukutmani

(CM & AS Co-Ordinator)

1) Teachers Training

2) Salary of Para Teacher (Pry & UP)

3) Health Card

4) Nirmal Vidyalaya

5) Link Library



Bina Majumdar

(Pedagogy Co-Ordinator)

1) Disable Children Admission

2) Aids & Appliances

3) Screening & Assessment Camp

4) Sports

5) Resource Room



Children with Special Needs

Kanika Bhattacharya


Service Provided

Room no.

Name of Section

Responsible person

1) Uniform

2) Para Teachers

3) Free Text Book

4) School Development Grant

5) Maintenance Grant

6) TLM

7) TLE



S.M.Khairul Anam

1) All category of Schools related  information (U-DISE)

2) Computer & Accessories under Computer Aided Learning (CAL) Programme

3) Correction of UDISE if any


Management Information System

1) Saikat Ghosh                  (MIS Co-Ordinator)

2) Prabir Bhattacharya(PMIS Co-Ordinator)

3) Subhajit Basu (DEO)

1) Annual Work Plan & Budget

2) School Development Plan



Gouri Sankar Ponda (Planning Co-Ordinator)

1) Any payment

2) Cheque issue

3) Cheque receive

4) Draft issue/receive

5) Cheque/Draft correction



1) Suprabhat Purkait (FAO)

2) Gopinath Dey (Cashier)

3) Debabrata Majumdar (Accountant )

1)    KGBV

2)    Girls Education

3)    RTI

4)    RTE



Biltu Chowdhuri

1)    Para teachers remuneration (Pry & UP)

2)    Upgradation of Para teacher

3)    Tour Programme

4)    Astronomy Programme

5)    Qualification Enhancement



Utpal Sen

1) Cohort Survey

2) Action Plan

3) Monitoring & Supervision


Research Section

(In charge)

Bina Mazumder & Biltu Chowdhuri

1)    Remuneration of Siksha bandhu.

2)    Remuneration of VRP(Pre designated VRP)

3)    Procurement of Office Material

4)    Kept stock register

5)    Leave of Staffs



Rina Sen

1) Letter Issue/ receive

2) Complain Received


Receiving Cell

Tandra Sarkar (LDA)


SSA South 24 Pgs Btn Gallery  
Sanghamitra Das, W.B.C.S (Exe)
District Education Officer,
Samagra Siksha Mission,
South 24 Parganas.

We at Samagra Siksha Mission, South 24 Parganas, we are committed for making our services easy, simple and successful. We should be there to assist you if any information available related to education is required. Our concerned Co-ordinators have prepared most of the answers to your questions. You may write to us at our Helpdesk for a response. If your question is still unresolved, please write to,


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