At a glance Information as per UDISE 2022-23
Descriptions Primary Level Upper Primary with Sec and Hr. Sec Level
Number of Schools 3788 1055
Gross Enrolment 543853 892460
Boys Enrolment 276062 423492
Girls Enrolment 267791 468968
Total Pre Primary Enrolment 75698 -
Pre Primary Boys Enrolment 37935 -
Pre Primary Girls Enrolment 37763 -
General Enrolment 329140 520336
SC Enrolment 137110 267132
ST Enrolment 7176 12104
OBC Enrolment 70427 92888
Minority Enrolment 294892 377071
Total Teachers (including contact teacher) 16804 16018
Regular Teachers 15042 14032
Contact teacher 1762 1986
<<=1 teachers’ School 33 106
2 teachers' school 630 76
>>= 3 teachers' school 3125 873
No. of Class rooms 17514 19121
<<=1 class room school 23 14
2 class rooms school 299 27
>>=3 class rooms school 3466 1014
School with Electricity Facility 3751 1035
School without Electricity Facility 37 20
Schools with Drinking Water facility 3788 1055
Schools with No Drinking Water facility 0 0
Schools with Toilet facility 3788 1055
Schools with No Toilet facility 0 0
Schools with Girls Toilet facility 3781 1027
Schools with No Girls Toilet facility 7 28
Schools with Boys Toilet facility 3780 919
Schools without Boys Toilet facility 8 136
No. of SSK 1172 80
Enrolment 76593 11593
No of school (local body) 35 -
Enrolment (local body) 1332 -
No of school (Minority Affairs) 58
Enrolment (DOMA) 12781
No of school (Mass Education) - 5
Enrolment (Mass Education) - 333
No of Madrasha Recognized under Madrasha Board 52
Enrolment (Madrasha Recognized under Madrasha Board) 57216
No of Central School 2
Enrolment (Central School) 856
No. of Private School 1019
Enrolment (Private School) 98452
SSA South 24 Pgs Picture Gallery
Sarva Siksha Abhiyan (SSA) : Sarva Shiksha Abhiyan (SSA) is Government of India's flagship programme for achievement of Universalization of Elementary Education (UEE) in a time bound manner, as mandated by 86th amendment to the Constitution of India making free and compulsory Education to the Children of 6-14 years age group, a Fundamental Right. It is a response to the demand for quality of basic education all over the country. The SSM programme is also an attempt to provide an opportunity for improving human capabilities to all children, through provision of community owned quality education in a mission mode.
SSA South 24 Pgs DPO
SSA South 24 Pgs DPO
Girls Education : Education of girls especially those belonging to SC, ST and other backward classes is the primary focus of the Abhiyan. Following are the strategies proposed for mainstreaming of Girls children who are out of school. Mobilization at the habitation, village, urban slums level using Women Groups and other self-help groups for sensitizing the community, parents on child rights, for elimination of child labour and for Universalisation of Elementary Education.
Pedegogy Interventions : The most important thrust area is the quality assurance of children. In fact quality is the key word for all the interventions of UEE and CLRC was conceived as an institution for providing resource support to teachers and to schools. In the previous years micro-level intervention was introduced in the primary level with emphasis on reply and cost effectiveness. There was however macro-level intervention of 6+4+3 days, in the whole district on cascade method.
SSA South 24 Pgs DPO
SSA South 24 Pgs DPO
Civil : This cell is looking for all the civil activities viz Construction of New School Buildings, Construction of Additional Class Room, Identification of the Spot, Site Selection, Construction of Toilet, Drinking Water, Child Friendly Environment in the School premises for the students etc
Education for Children With Special Needs : Inclusive education acknowledges that all children can learn and that all need some form of support in learning. It is becoming more and more evident that fears about the academic and social achievement of CWSN are unfounded and that inclusive education actually benefits both CWSN and the rest of the school community. Indeed it helps in generating a cohesive school culture, where opportunities for learning and exploring are provided to all children. It is a part of a wider strategy to promote an Inclusive society.
SSA South 24 Pgs DPO
SSA South 24 Pgs DPO
Management Information System (MIS) : The chapter on Management Information System is the study of people, technology, organizations, and the relationships among them. MIS professionals help realize maximum benefit / negative aspect from various sectors. MIS is a people-oriented field with an emphasis on service through technology. MIS should provide information on the Infrastructure required (including personnel and equipment) for the smooth implementation of the programme.
Community Mobilisation : In the context of RTE 2009, our aim is to enroll all the children belonging to the age group of 6 to 14 years in the neighborhood school in age appropriate class. To fulfill this aim active community participation is very important. Identification of out of school children, listing them according to their age group is our aim. The data of each & every child of a particular habitation will be available in the Child Register. Child Register is to be maintained booth wise. The details of all children of that particular family will be maintained in the Register against the specified rows and columns.
SSA South 24 Pgs DPO
SSA South 24 Pgs DPO
Project Management Information System (PMIS) : Ensuring flow of information of the project including financial data through PMIS
Planning & Research : So long the district level officials were preparing the plans assessing the needs of the lower levels. We are targeting to introduce the micro-plan procedure in planning at the grass root level.
SSA South 24 Pgs DPO
SSA South 24 Pgs Btn Gallery  
Sanghamitra Das, W.B.C.S (Exe)
District Education Officer,
Samagra Siksha Mission,
South 24 Parganas.

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